Open Call for Robotic Solutions
in Geriatric Health
Pioneering the Future of Geriatric Rehabilitation
Beit Rivka Geriatric Rehabilitation Medical Center, is part of the Clalit Health Services network of hospitals, With around 300 patients, of which the majority are over 65, their mission is to transform the landscape of elderly care through cutting-edge technology and innovative solutions.
Beit Rivka Innovation Center is pioneering advancements specifically for elderly patients. We aim to "Redesign the Time and Place boundaries in geriatric rehabilitation," and tackle the dual challenges of an ageing population and limited therapeutic resources.
Open Call for Robotic Solutions
With advancements in digital healthcare and robotic solutions, we are looking for technology partners that can help us overcome the following key challenges:
Reduce Staff workload & Burnout
Improve team communication
and streamline processes
Maximize Rehabilitation
Boost patient motivation and treatment effectiveness
Enhance Communication
Strengthen patient, family, and healthcare team connections
Alleviate Loneliness
Create engaging companion care and leisure activities
!We invite robotic tech companies and startups to partner with us
Whether your solutions are at the feasibility study stage or ready for implementation, we want to explore these opportunities and collaborate!
We seek solutions that can seamlessly integrate within departments, interfacing with the medical team, nursing staff, para-professionals, patients, and their families. The robotic solution will comprehensively manage daily and nightly routines.
Watch the dedicated webinar held on July 10 for further details about the open call >>
Submission guidelines:
When submitting your proposal, please mention the Technological Readiness levels (TRL)
Levels 3-4: Feasibility Study
Ideal for startups with early-stage solutions, which require longer development timelines and high costs due to extensive R&D. Significant collaboration with Beit Rivka shapes the product design.
Levels 5-6: Research and Development
Ideal for companies at the proof-of-concept stage, and where collaboration involves refining product for implementation, with moderate development timelines and costs. Collaboration with Beit Rivka helps finalize the product.
Levels 7-8: Implementation Pilot
Ideal for companies with commercially available robotic solutions that can execute the pilot program with minor adaptations. Products are market-ready, requiring shorter development times and lower costs.
Be a part of the transformation in Geriatric care
Submission Deadline: July 19, 2024, by 17:00 Israel time
Contact Us: For inquiries, please email iritbibi@clalit.org.il
Together, we can revolutionize rehabilitation for the elderly. Join Beit Rivka and the Innovation Center in making a significant impact today!
*Additional information - Examples of Scenarios:
For Reducing the workload and burnout among healthcare professionals in the hospital – Robotic solutions within the multidisciplinary team can handle: Assisting patients with questionnaires and assessments, managing daily schedules and treatment plans, and proactively communicating with patients using AI for tasks like fall detection, deterioration alerts, and responding to requests. Robots can also take physical measurements, connect to existing information systems, provide personalized reminders and messages, facilitate real-time transfer of information among healthcare professionals, and offer translation and language support.
For maximizing rehabilitation capabilities and increasing patient motivation during the treatment process, robotic solutions can: Develop self-exercise and rehabilitation content, including a library of cognitive and motor activities tailored to various functional states. They can encourage independent and group activities both during the hospital stay and at home with family support. Additionally, robots can provide remote, virtual, or hybrid rehabilitation services and offer companion care by developing conversation scripts for personalized interaction.
For mitigating loneliness and creating a framework for companion care and leisure activities, robotic solutions can: implement an automatic call management system and integrate AI into conversational interfaces. Additionally, they can develop conversation scripts to enhance personal accompaniment and interaction.